English Version: SoCh 5th Dimension 26 May 2013
Trixa SoCh 5th Dimension 26 May 2013
Breath in, breath out, being wide…
All the thoughts of the day… breath them all out…
Being empty, being wide….
Breath your root chakra wide and picture a big red round cushion, as wide as your hips or wider…
Breath into this open earth canal, down through all of the layers of the earth until you arrive the diamond layer where mother earth is waiting for you with open arms, Let yourself fall into the arms of mother earth and feel welcome, safe, beloved … completely accepted as who and what you are…
Collect the diamond light, this is the highest creative power, which is available to us at the moment.
Truth, clarity, purity, balance Begin to raise up the diamond light through your earth canal with the instruction to balance all of your chakra’s…
Allow the light to flow in both of your sides of your brain…
into every corner of your brain… and
focus the light on your pineal gland…
then allow it to flow through to your 12th chakra.
Diamond light, oneness with all , unconditional love…
Send this light from the top down to the diamond light in the heart of mother earth and then back up again so you are in a double stream of diamond light.
Focus your consciousness in your heart chakra, and put some of the diamond light into it...
and radiate it out to the whole group…
“Well, be welcome and blessed, this is Hilarion.”
“It is important for me that you understand that we are now in a new time, in a new earth.
Sometimes you will feel it as some little things, sometimes it will be confusing for you.
It is important to understand, what is happened right now in the world.
Gaia herself with all of her consciousnesslevels, and with all of you and also with the consciousness of all of the other areas going through the great 12/12 vortex.
And now, actually, you are in the 5th Dimension.
Well, you will tell to me that in your opinion nothing will be changed. A cup is a cup, a tea is a tea, my body is always the same, I always have the same problems…
Maybe your problems in fact increase… and still, you have arrived in the 5th Dimension.
Year on year, the spiritual friends told you about being in balance between the 3rd and the 5th Dimensions. Now, it is easier to be in the 5th Dimension, but this must always be a conscious decision.
The 5th Dimension is a piercing dimension in which all of them are flowing, and therefore it is not a static one.
You must understand that all of you on planet earth are in this 5th Dimension, all of you have chosen to be there in this important incarnation, and tol be designed with consciousness.
I have an example for you:
Maybe some of you decided to go to another land.
It will be necessary to be well prepared for the new place, for your life in the new place
So you will going to pack, and usually all of you have a voluminous household and clearly you can´t take all these things to the new place.
So, sort out all things you don´t need in the new time...
This is the precise phase you are all in right now.
Many of your programs, which you worked out in all of your different lives, sometimes painfully, laboriously, with sorrow and loss. You needed these programs to understand something better, or to develop a special quality. But now they are useless, and don´t belong in this new place. They are too heavy to go forward with them.
Take a deep breath in and feel connected with your emotional self (ES).
In collaboration with your emotional self, take a moment to think about your favourite energies, those in which you are willingly dancing. The trouble with your work or the endless stress with your... Think whether you really need them in this new place or if this old stuff could be brought to the recycling place. Think about it….
All those things which you want to give away, put them into a huge wheelbarrow (WB)... ask your ES for help.
All the patterns which you have laying in your physical body: when I drink cold water, then I get mulligrubs etc.
If you don´t want this energy in your new place, then ask your ES to look for all of these energies and put them in the wheelbarrow.
Now think about your favourite thoughts and patterns, in your relationships, with your family and with friends.
There are always things which you get excited about and which are happen again and again.
Perhaps you have special expectations as to how some things have to be.
These are all old fashioned impressions which you have created in the 3rd Dimension by yourself.
For example: women always lie and men take advantage of you… This is an old experience, which you have often played out. Do you really need this in your new place? I hope not.
Collect these patterns of experience with the help of your ES and put them into the wheelbarrow.
Another important point is your management of fullness and abundance.
All of the patterns that you have to work hard to earn money, or that you have to be good and proper to get were you expect to be. All these difficult stories about your work, do you really wish to take all this with you to the new place? I hope not.
Collect them all in the wheelbarrow.
And then, there is still another very important point.
Through the collapse of Atlantis you believe that you are separated from the divine spring.
I know, that many of you are aware that you are divine/divinity in action.
But all of you, in this group, have a lot of points about which you criticize yourself.
And this criticism of yourself is always a setback of your energy.
I'm not good enough, I´m not beautiful enough, I don´t understand this, I´m not intelligent enough,…
All these habits of selfcriticism, pick them out of your household and put all of them in the wheelbarrow.
Wonderful! Now, look at the rest of your household.
The journey to the new place should be untroubled, perhaps you can travel with a small suitcase or small bag.
Is there anything else you would like to leave here? Let the ES look for it and then place it into the wheelbarrow.
All these energies in your wheelbarrow are full of your divine power.
In endless many lives you have tried hard to keep developing these programs, and you have given your power to them.
All these energies in your wheelbarrow are your creative power and are afflicted with hardship and is bounded power of yourself.
Take this wheelbarrow and go to the recycling place where Archangel Uriel is waiting for you with a huge fire.
Filled with joy, you put this old trash into the fire.
Uriel will support you to relieve your self of it all.
In this moment, these energies will be transformed by the Schekina.
It is a huge [part] of your diamond light field.
This unburdened energy is now flowing back into your system. This is the energy that gives you wings. This is the energy of relief. And of flexibility.
Now call your mental self, with it’s real understanding, that these old hardships are no longer with you.
Wonderful, now your household is very clear.
Well, look at the things in the wheelbarrow.
With all your love and enthusiasm for the adventuretrip which is waiting for you.
Take these energies lovingly, say thank you to those people and give them back their creating.
There is no attachment to your system any more.
Maybe there are some people who won’t let you go, because they are dependant on getting energy from you. This is, why they refuse to go into their own power.
See, realize and let these people, which feel dependent on you, appear.
Now, let the diamond light flow out from your heart centre as a horizontal figure8, from your heart centre to their heart centre.
Send them the absolute assurance that they can feel confident in their own way, and are able to feel joy about their life.
Maybe these people are complete, wondering, but they belief in you.
And therefore they are prepared to accept this energy of detachment.
Maybe you can find a smile in their face.
Fill them with selfconfidence, that they can dance for joy.
So, wonderful, and now, let go the horizontal figure8 and tell them, that you will meet them in the 5th Dimension, that is certain.
Now, let have a look to your household.
Is there not more left over.
What should be left over are your passions. The points in your incarnation with which you are inspired , infused with joy, which let you be full of vital, joyful, free and creative life.
At this juncture you believe that you have to work hard and can´t feel happy.
I, Hilarion, tell you that you are allowed to feel happiness about your being. And this is important.
Where can you feel your enthusiasm and comply with life?
Let your ES show this to you.
Where are the points of your highest enthusiasm? Your greatest joy?
And put these energies in a very small, light bag or suitcase.
And now, I give you a trick.
You are alive with the diamond light in you, be aware of your delight with the diamond light filling your root chakra, be aware of your diamond light radiating with enthusiasm in your pulsating heart chakra, and be aware of the creative power of your third eye.
Bunch these three diamond light beams to one focus just ahead of you.
Tell all your bodies (emotional, mental, bodyself) and your whole system:
5th Dimension, now!
Very good! The vibration in the whole field has changed into the 5th Dimension, exactly in the place where you are.
Now you are 5th dimensionally.
On the 12.12. (2012) you will swum through the focus.
Now you are here in this new place. You are here in this important time, incarnate because you want do exactly this.
Because you want to benefit by realizing all your experiences from all your starand earthlives, and you always wanted to do this through all your incarnations and experience this 5th Dimension.
Now you are swinging in the 5th Dimension and in your luggage is your joy and your enthusiasm.
This, your joy and enthusiasm, you are sending out in your world.
Again over the root chakra, heart chakra, third eye.
As if you are a lighthouse, you are sending out the rotary light stream around you and fertilizing your world with your joy and creative power.
For example, if you turn the stream on your relationships, you will see, feel and know exactly
and completely clearly how to handle your relationships. You receive pure intentions and feelings. And that is enough for them to become manifest.
Then you are in the 5th Dimension.
And now, you are sending the same light stream, with the same joy and enthusiasm to your socalled field of work.
And suddenly, you get impressions, pictures and assurance about what and who you can change in your field of work so that more and more enthusiasm can get in, and you are be able to live your divinity in action.
And now, you guide this threerate diamond light stream to the field of your fullnessmanagement.
And here also you will realize how completely easy it is, that the fullness is dancing with you
Is that not wonderful?
And now, send this threerate diamond light stream on your physical body, full of joy and feel how your physical body is liberated, free of suffering, cured, balanced and filled with energy that is forever young, if you would want it. Then you are able to stay in this incarnation as long as you want it.
In the future there will be more and more people, which will achieve an age of about 100 years or so, in their power, in their joy.
Also, there are a lot of you to develop.
But all of this fluctuates on the last point, and this is your selfconfidence, your divinity in action, finally letting go of the criticism of yourself.
If you criticize, then you criticize the divinity in yourself.
Stop this and give yourself the opportunity to get impressions to feel, to know, to see, to hear of yourself of your soul in complete joy and in enthusiasm for this life, for your life, for your creating moments, for your creative design of this new world.
Now you have arrived in your new place.
With your joyful luggage. Your are the creator.
What do you want to create in your new area?
Create clear pictures, clear impressions, clear statements and then your bodies know where they have to put the energy .
Your new world is flushed with diamond light, this is creating power.
The veil between the 3rd and the 5th Dimensions are lifted.
And you will learn more and more how to be in the flow of the energies.
And you are never alone. You weren´t before, and you are never alone in the 5th dimension.
This network which my daughter (Trixa ;)) is talking about, and about this all of you will be trained a lot in the next months and years, and in which all of the energies are connected.
This is always and at anytime available for you.
She (Trixa) has designed a pretty picture with the Bretagne group in the last days.
Allow your 3rd eye to see around you this manifold fine net of all the energies of your planet.
Anything and everything is connected and interwoven.
The power of the earth, the power of the elements, the power of the plant kingdom, the power of the animal kingdom, the power of the human kingdom. And everywhere there are mixing/connecting points.
By yourself, your being has endless mixing/connecting points to all of this levels.
And therefore, you are a pupil of the light, you don´t only have these connections in the area of Gaia, you also have these connecting points up to the universe. And on these mixing/connecting points all of your cosmic friends are connected. The starfields are participating in what you are incarnating, and you are working with each one you are feeling completely at home.
Look at this enormous fine and light oscillating net of which you are a part of.
And you really affirm that you don´t get the right information?
You don´t have the access to the energies which you need?
Everything is connected with everything. And everything is available for you.
And now, you are allowed to use this field.
At the 19. August 2013, the crystal ocean of Atlantis will definitely rise up from depth of the earth and will bond with the golden life grid of Gaia.
This is a day, which all of you should celebrate.
At this moment, which is a cosmically important date, the whole collective power of the Atlantical love and the loved knowledge of Atlantis is available to you.
Until this date you have time to change your habits. Then after this date all thoughts will be accelerating faster and faster towards the manifestation.
Now is the time, to bring your mental fields together and let them remember their original duty:
to collect divine inspirations.
And definitely to let go the old habits of dramatization, criticism and assessment.
Don´t put energy into this. It is not necessary for you to do so, ever. There is no need to do it again.
Now, you enter in your creative frequency.
Practice this.
If you have a meeting with your bank, with your hirer, with your employer, with a friend …
go into your diamond light connection.
Take a clear picture, what you want to develop and then send this out and swim in joy and calmness in your grid to this event point.
And you will see, that it will be created.
And this is not egoistic.
It is not egoistic, because you are in connection with the grid and therefore your creation is based on the whole community.
If you try to create from your ego, then it will not work.
The 5th dimension is a dimension of community.
Maybe you are feel calm, full of freedom, joy and balance and you have no need to create anything.
Wonderful, then as this being you are able to radiate your energy of balance in all different levels to the whole grid and everything... can benefit from this.
This is the way in which the energy is flowing in the new area.
When you get some new ideas, then create with your enthusiasm and with your joy but never create from a childish status.
Use your mind.
Don´t recall your earthly 3rd dimension job and say “Hey, I´m in the 5th dimension, I create with joy and enthusiasm a home for animals or a job on the stock market and I´ll get a lot of money. More than I can spend.”
This will not work.
So, insert your mind. Every journey will be well prepared. The old household will be left behind.
And you should be able to feel your new vision.
The feeling of the energy, which is being created, but not yet completely here. This is a very important focus in the creation.
If you can´t feel it, then you are not yet able to create this.
Many things will be changed by you in this new time.
There will be new encounters, inspired encounters, sometimes only for a moment, sometimes for a long time.
Your friends will be suddenly develop in an other way.
Don´t worry about this. Give them your whole trust in your creative power that only their souls know why they have to go this way. Don´t value (be attached?) it.
Therefore you are a wonderful group and a lot of energy is flowing, now I ask you, as an experiment:
Create a pure picture of you in your new life, in this life of enthusiasm, see yourself in this life, what will you do, what will you be…
Give this picture the power of the material, then your nature is the connection between spirit and material, place the stream of diamond light from your root chakra into this picture.
Create the picture with the stream of your third eye with a clear intention again and do it more perfectly, more beautifully, more powerfullly.
And now comes the most important diamond light stream from your heart chakra, all of your joy, all of your enthusiasm, your feeling for this future creation, place this in your picture.
Feel the feeling of this creation.
Enjoy this moment with your whole body. Your enthusiasm for your life, of your place, of your work…
And then: say “Es werde” (It will be)
And be sure, now it is.
That´s all.
In this way, you feed the net, In this way you will be fed and bound.
If you have any questions, then ask the net. The answer will be come to you.
If there is a day and you are not healthy, then connected with your diamond light. Let this light join your material world with your spiritual world.
And then create for you a status of satisfaction and be released.
And if you in love, joy and enthusiasm you spread your specification for the wellbeing of all.
In this way you will be creating big and small miracles.
Be aware of this and more and more miracles will come into your life.
Create every day your miracles of joy.
This is divine power.
This is 5th dimension.
And now, I praise you for your courage.
Tell your system, that you are now prepared to take your life in your divine hands.
And now, you create with consciousness.
And if anybody send on you packets, then you will deny the acceptance.
You will be never alone,
you are a part of the net
and you are loved a lot.
With the light and the love of the White Brother and Sisterhood
I guide/lead you and I bless you.
Be blessed.
Thank you for your willingness to emigrate and to create the 5th dimension.
This is Hilarion.
I am excited with you
Be blessed.
Amen, Amen, Amen
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